
101 Quick Questions with Catholic Answers: Sexuality is unavailable, but you can change that!

In a world where modern culture treats sexuality as a theme park for adults instead of as a gift given to man and woman to share in the context of love and marriage, the Catholic Church remains steadfast in its work as steward of Christ’s teachings and continues to guide the world in the truths of human sexuality. In 101 Quick Questions with Catholic Answers: Sexuality, Catholic Answers’ staff...

Q: Is it true that sexual intercourse between a married couple is sinful if the spouses do it with lust for each other? A: In our culture the word “lust” can be understood quite broadly, from “lusting after a chocolate bar” to simply finding another person to be sexually attractive. But for the Catholic Church, to lust is to seek sexual pleasure in another person solely for one’s own pleasure without regard for the other person. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Lust is disordered desire
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